Be The Best Leader Following Disasters: Strategies To Rebuild Workplaces For Recovery

Hurricane Helene last month and Hurricane Milton this month serve as reminders to every American just how much climate change and natural disasters affect  lives—work lives as well as home lives. In many cases, everything must be rebuilt.

Beyond hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes and earthquakes also disrupt and destroy businesses and workplaces forcing leaders to have a plan ready for emergencies that benefit employees hit by these disasters.

So how can you be a great leader following devastation so your employees, colleagues, managers, clients, suppliers and administrators can press restart?

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Beyond Bias: Women Journos Lead With Innovation, Inclusion And Storytelling

“There is a tension around the topic of the subjectivity of objectivity,” said Felicia Henderson, director of cultural competency at the Maynard Institute.

Speaking at the recent Journalism & Women Symposium annual CAMP (Conference and Mentoring Project) in New Orleans, with the theme, Resilience and Reinvention, Henderson joined a panel along with Jean Marie Brown, The Pivot Fund’s director of research, and Mary Irby-Jones, executive editor at  the Louisville Courier Journal.

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How Kamala Harris Aces the 9 Leadership Power Tools (Even if She Doesn’t Know It)

Love politics? Hate it? Whatever your POV is, in today’s chaotic political landscape, people are yearning for effective leaders.

I began this 3-part series last week with a look at the difference between Power Over and Power TO leadership styles. I called it “Hammering Power” to reflect the metaphor I use to explain that power is merely energy. Like a hammer, you can break something apart or build with it.

In sum, Power is what you do with it. What you make of it.

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Make It Happen: Women Designing and Achieving Wealth, Entrepreneurship, Success

“As women, we are often the architects of our dreams,” said Hyacinth Tucker, founder and owner of Laundry Basket Delivery at the recent Take The Lead Power Up Conference on Women’s Equality Day in Washington, D.C. “So let’s share our stories, struggles and triumphs knowing together we are stronger.”

The winner of the Visionary Award exemplifying the Know Your History Power Tool, Tucker told the Together We Lead conference participants, ”We carry the weight of our aspirations. This is a testament to the power of perseverance, even when the world may not yet see it.”

Gloria Feldt, co-founder and president of Take The Lead echoed the sentiment, reminding the participants, “You are the CEO of your own life.”

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Pivot to Purpose: Kathleen Turner Defines A Career of Risk and Service at Power Up

Kathleen Turner did this on purpose. There’s a reason you can’t limit her to memory for just one role.

“If you look over my history of film, my stage history, every role I have done is done in direct contrast to another,” Turner said to a rapt audience at Take The Lead’s Power Up Conference on Women’s Equality Day in Washington, D.C.

“I have found over the years it is difficult to put my body of work together, as there is no one role for me to ever be known by,” said Turner, the iconic actress who has been engaging audiences for more than 46 years. Speaking on the careers panel at the “Together We Lead” themed conference, Golden Globe winner Turner spoke of her intentional career agility, longevity and powerful choices.

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Hammering Power: Part 1 of 3 Part Series on How Kamala Harris Uses the 9 Leadership Power Tools

Issue 273 — September 16, 2024

“When the only tool you have is a hammer, you are likely to treat everything you see as a nail.”

The hammer is a metaphor I use to deconstruct and reconstruct the meaning of power, so that women will embrace their hammer of power with confidence, authenticity, and joy (yes, there’s that word “joy,” and I’ve been saying it in this phrase for years).

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We Can Make It Happen: Why Working To Get ERA To Finish Line Needs Us All

One hundred and one years is enough. Now is the time to pass the Equal Rights Amendment in all 50+ states and honor the fair and equal legal rights of women and publish it in the Constitution.

“I am so excited to present the Leading Advocate Award to the ERA Coalition,” said Gloria Feldt, co-founder and president of Take The Lead, at the recent Power Up 2024 Conference on Women’s Equality Day in Washington, D.C..

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Lovely Ketanji: How She Turned Bias on Its Head and Made It Her Superpower

Issue 272 — September 9, 2024

I had eagerly awaited the publication of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson’s memoir, Lovely One, since I learned that my talented friend Jamia Wilson, Vice President/Executive Editor at Penguin Random House, secured the plum of editing the book.

Finally, the book launched on September 3, 2024, in Harlem’s historic Apollo Theater — the perfect symbolic venue for the first Black woman on the SCOTUS bench. Brown Jackson was interviewed by CBS News journalist Gayle King, who kept it light and personal while gracefully hitting all the significant life junctures documented in the book, without getting into political opinions.

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Leading Together: Committing to Leadership Equity, Health Advocacy, Access and Treatment for Women 

It was the perfect combination of celebration and commitment—saluting 10 years of exceptional work with tangible outcomes for Take The Lead plus a roadmap for connecting purposefully to change the present for a gender and racially equitable future.

“Together We Lead” was the  theme of the fifth annual Power Up Concert & Conference on Women’s Equality Day in Washington, D.C. with men and women from across the country convening to salute accomplishments spearheaded by Take The Lead co-founder and president Gloria Feldt.

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Sisters For Sisters: Power Up Concert Showcases Talent, Energy & Intention To The Future

“Sisters Are Doing It for Themselves.”

It was a rousing conclusion to Take The Lead’s  energetic Women’s Equality Day Power Up Conference, with world-renowned pianist, composer and musician Marina Arsenijevic, trio BETTY and the legendary vocal group,  Sweet Honey in The Rock performing the anthem to sisterhood along with the audience.

Sharing a microphone along with all the performers at the close of the Kennedy Center Terrace Theater event,* was Gloria Feldt, Take The Lead founder and president, celebrating five years of Power Up and 10 years of Take The Lead’s mission of equity across all identifiers and industries.

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