What makes these leadership tools unique?
The New Power TO Principle
The 9 Leadership Power Tools are rooted in a sophisticated concept of power. Women redefine it so they can embrace it with intention and use it effectively. This shift from the outdated, oppressive "power over" to the expansive, positive, and innovative "power to" cracks the code that has held women back from leadership parity. The 9 Power Tools give women immediately usable ways to navigate the world as it is while leading the changes that need to be.
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1. Know Your History
And you can create the future of your choice.
2. Define Your Own Terms—First, Before Anyone Else Does.
Whoever sets the terms of the debate usually wins it. By redefining power not as “Power-Over”, but as “Power-To”, we shift from a culture of oppression to a culture of positive intention to make things better for everyone. “Power-To” is leadership.
3. Use What You’ve Got.
What you need is almost always there, if you can only see it and have the courage to use it. Remember, power unused is power useless.
4. Embrace Controversy.
It gives you a platform. It nudges you to clarity. It is a teacher, a source of strength, and your friend, especially if you are trying to make change.
5. Carpe the Chaos.
Change creates chaos. Today’s changing gender roles and economic turbulence may feel chaotic and confusing. But chaos also means boundaries become more fluid. That’s when people are open to new ways of thinking, to innovation, and to new roles for women. Carpe the Chaos, for in chaos is opportunity.
6. Wear the Shirt (of Your Convictions).
What are your core values? What’s your vision of what should happen? How can you make it happen? Go stand in your power and walk with intention to make it so.
7. Take Action; Create a Movement.
Things don’t just happen; people make them happen in a systematic way, and you can change systems. Apply the three movement-building principles of Sister Courage (be a sister, act with courage, put them together to create a PLAN) and you will realize your vision at work, at home, or in public life.
8. Employ Every Medium.
Use personal, social, and traditional media every step of the way. Use the medium of your own voice. And think of each of the power tools as a medium to be pressed into the service of your “Power-To”.
9. Tell Your Story.
Your story is your truth; your truth is your power. Telling your story authentically helps you lead (not follow) your dreams and have an unlimited life.
Based on the bestselling book by Gloria Feldt, No Excuses: 9 Ways Women Can Change How We Think About Power
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