Posts tagged gender parity
Happy Women’s History Month?

On the third day of #womenshistorymonth, I’m reflecting on promises fulfilled and unfulfilled of the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women. I attended it in Beijing in 1995.

I was in the room where it happened 30 years ago. Two rooms where it happened, actually.

The experience was life changing. World changing. But that was then.

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Making History: 10 Black Women Leaders Inspire With Advice, Purpose, Action

At the close of Black History Month, which began in 1915 in this country, and was made into law in 1986, Take The Lead salutes 10 Black women leaders across industries and influence. Diving into their contributions and keen advice for leaders today, there is so much wisdom to glean that moves far past one month of the year. And into forever.

In spite of Google eliminating its visual salute to the month and the Department of Defense declaring it erased—as well as Women’s History Month and National Disability Employment Month—Take The Lead acknowledges the depth and breadth of Black women in business, entrepreneurship, education, media and all of American culture far past the calendar mont of the year.

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Action: Your Antidote to Anxiety and Other Ills

Madeleine moved to a new state with her husband who got a great job there, but she felt the loss of grounding without family and friends and the stimulation of a large city. She approached me to volunteer for Take The Lead and we began to work on a plan.

“I’m feeling alive again,” she said.

In our fast-paced, often overwhelming world, anxiety, fear, and depression can creep in like shadows at dusk — persistent, heavy, and seemingly insurmountable. Yet, hidden in the very act of taking a step forward is a powerful remedy. Action, even in its smallest form, can serve as the antidote to these pervasive feelings.

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Thank Heaven For 11: Take The Lead Celebrates 11 Years Working Toward Mission of Equity

Take The Lead is 11 years old this week on February 19. Eleven years ago, Gloria Feldt and Amy Litzenberger co-founded the organization with the bold mission of society reaching leadership gender parity across all sectors by 2025—this year.

For the past 11 years, Take The Lead has been working towards achieving gender and race equity in leadership across all sectors and industries. In that time, Take The Lead has been making enormous impact affecting hundreds of thousands of women in their careers and lives.

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**Action Required: How to Turn Your Fear into Power**

As the dust settles after the November 5th election, many of you are deflated, while others are elated.

No matter where you stand, one thing is clear: Take The Lead’s mission for gender parity in leadership across all sectors has never been more essential. Our work transcends party lines and industries, grounded in the belief that advancing women’s economic power, parity, and reproductive freedom benefits us all.

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Why U.S. Urgently Needs Leadership Gender Parity: How Power Up Conference Gets You There

If women vying for top spots at work are overlooked at many U.S. workplaces claiming they are too emotional, why then did the new movie about a young girl experiencing  emotions of anxiety, envy and embarrassment just become the largest global box office hit with $1 billion in ticket sales?

Perhaps it’s because the story of Riley experiencing a breadth of emotions in the new Disney animated sequel, “Inside Out 2”, is fictional. But it may be resonating with females of all ages and particularly leaders who say the biased perception of their emotionalism is a barrier to the C-suite in real life.

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What a Week: Making Women’s History and Future Every Day

Issue 254 — March 18, 2024

I absolutely love Women’s History Month. I love it as an opportunity to write into the generally known history the many women who have been overlooked or under-recognized for their accomplishments.

And increasingly, I focus on tomorrow’s history that we each make by our actions today.

Know your history and you can create the future of your choice.

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How Are We Doing? 10 Years of Take The Lead

Issue 253 — February 26, 2024

The late bombastic New York mayor, Ed Koch, was famous for going around the city asking, “How am I doing?”

So as Take The Lead kicks off its 10th anniversary year, exactly 10 years after its first big public launch event at Arizona State University’s Gammage Auditorium, we’re asking you, “How are we doing?”

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NEW YORK (February 14, 2024) — Take The Lead® , a nationally recognized non-profit dedicated to achieving gender parity in leadership by 2025, launches its 10th anniversary year with a free virtual event on Monday, February 19 at 2:00pm ET that will convene leading voices in the women’s movement in a candid discussion: Women, Power, and Leadership: A Conversation with Gloria Feldt and Gloria Steinem, Facilitated by Jamia Wilson.

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How About We Solve a Problem Instead of Admiring It? Building a Solution-Focused Mindset

Issue 232 — June 19, 2023

I often quote Mellody Hobson, President and co-CEO of Ariel Investments, in my speeches and training. She said, “We have admired the problem long enough.”

I don’t remember what she was referring to but to me this wry comment applies to every injustice people face, every complaint we may have even if it is fully warranted. We can spout data about how awful this is and how discriminatory that is, but until we are willing to roll up our sleeves and take action, we’re just “admiring the problem” and failing to get to the solutions.

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I Owe You an Update

Issue 225 — April 9, 2023

Thank you for supporting Take The Lead! You make this essential work for gender parity possible. As a donor, you deserve to know what your gifts accomplish. We’ve been heads down doing the work — delivering training, creating valuable leadership content, and planning exciting new programs. Here’s a brief update for 2023 so far. I’d love to elaborate if you want more information, and I’ll be happy to take your questions, ideas, and comments. Please send them to me here.

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