Super Stress in Chaos: How to Manage Your Team and Yourself With Care
Managing the chaotic stress at work for yourself and your team is essential.
This is not an April Fool’s joke: Women are more stressed than men at work now. Maybe that is not even a surprise.
Yes, the stress you feel is real and most everybody in America right now is feeling it at work and home—it is just apparently affecting women more. Denying the stress is counterproductive; how you handle it is key to reducing its impact on you and the entire workplace culture.
“The truth is courage to lead isn’t knowing all the answers. It’s stepping forward even when you don’t,” writes Gloria Feldt, co-founder and president of Take The Lead. “Nor is leadership about waiting for the perfect moment — it’s about creating the moment. And it isn’t reserved for CEOs or political figures — it’s for all of us, wherever we are.”
“The #truth is #courage to #lead isn’t knowing all the #answers. It’s stepping forward even when you don’t. -@takeleadwomen”
Read more at Take The Lead on stress at work
The reality is more people at every career rung on the ladder in this country are feeling the stress of the political and economic times, with social, personal, and professional challenges that are colliding with very real workplace difficulties and uncertainties.
A new report from Page One Power states that one in two Americans are overwhelmed by the sheer volume of news exposure. Not only is the news overwhelming, but many do not trust the information, with 70% of Gen Z and 65% of Millennials skeptical of online information—the highest of all generations. This is causing stress as well. .
According to Financial Express, 72% of women report high workplace stress compared to 54% of men, as researchers discovered in a recent survey, the “Emotional Wellness State of Employees in 2024.”
The study by mental wellness platform YourDOST found, “Key stressors for women include lack of work-life balance, low recognition, and workplace judgment.” The report continues, “Based on responses from over 5,000 employees across industries, highlights growing concerns over work-life balance, career uncertainty, and recognition at work.”
Read more in Take The Lead on the culture of uncertainty
The most affected age group is employees 21 to 30 years old, reporting high stress. Employees 41-50 have the lowest stress levels.
What helps reduce stress, the study shows are “structured mentorship programs, frequent employee feedback surveys, and wellness initiatives to address these challenges.”
The constant deluge of news that is disruptive and frightening is a main contributor to stress and anger for Americans.
“The constant deluge of #news that is #disruptive and #frightening is a main contributor to #stress and anger for #Americans. ”
Read more in Take The Lead on calming down from stress
Terrilee Kelford, a psychotherapist based in Ontario, Canada, tells Inside Halton news outlet, that “the increased anxiety people are experiencing is largely linked with the increasingly catastrophizing language being used in a post-Trump world that leads people to feel negatively after consuming traditional media and social media content focusing on politics.”
“[Trump] considered to be one of the most catastrophizing when it comes to politics or politicians ever running,” she says.”
Read more in Take The Lead on stress strategies
Responding to this ongoing news culture of catastrophe and stress, over 250 journalists in the Chicago area who are members of local and national journalism organizations (such as Journalism and Women Symposium, Chicago Journalists Association, National Association of Black Journalists, the Society of Professional Journalists and more) recently gathered for a Wellness Resource event at the Field Foundation.
Panelists included lawyers, mental health professionals, digital security specialists, and physical health instructors. The discussions were centered on maintaining physical, mental, and emotional wellness at a time of great professional stress.
Advice included checking in with colleagues, managers, as well as employees you supervise, to see how they are faring, while also self-monitoring your stress level.
Read more in Take The Lead on trauma at work
The level of stress in this country is exceptionally high. In a recent study by GroundingWell that ranked “18 countries based on their need for relaxation, measuring annual working hours, paid vacation days, work-life balance, stress levels, anger levels, and life satisfaction index,” the U.S. came in third place.
On a scale of 1 to 10, those living in the U.S. needed relaxation more than every country except for Israel and Mexico. With a score of 78 out of 100, “Americans face significant pressure due to having the lowest work-life balance index, the second-highest percentage of stressed residents among all countries with 51% of population saying it is stressed, and 18% experiencing anger.”
There are ways to manage it as an individual and as a leader managing teams and layers of employees at all levels. The first step is to recognize the stress is there and not to dismiss it or belittle anyone who verbalizes the stress they are under.
“The first step is to recognize the #stress is there and not to #dismiss it or #belittle anyone who #verbalizes the stress they are under.”
Read more in Take The Lead on prioritizing your mental health
Strategies can include wellness programs, flexibility, cooperation across teams, and clear communication that has empathy and awareness.
In their 2023 book, Farther, Faster, and Far Less Drama: How to Reduce Stress and Make Extraordinary Progress Wherever You Lead, authors Janice Fraser and Jason Fraser write that one key is to “value outcomes.” They write, “Place more value on what you want to achieve than on the activities you have planned. Instead of creating outputs, measure your progress toward shared outcomes and continuously strive to improve how you work as a team.”
Listen to Take The Lead podcast with Soledad O’Brien on managing stress
The recent layoffs, cuts in funding, recession threats, price inflation, stock market changes, and general money fears is causing many Americans to worry about their financial presents—and futures.
According to Benefit News, “Sixty-one percent of employees say they are stressed about their finances constantly, and half say their stress negatively impacts their productivity at work. Eighty-four percent say their financial stress leaves them exhausted and burned out, and a third say money concerns have had a severe impact on their mental health.”
"Employees aren't just clocking in—they're grappling with how to make ends meet," Peter Dunn, CEO of Your Money Line, reports Benefit News. "This strain isn't just a personal issue; it's a workplace challenge that demands attention."
The problem of workplace stress is pronounced in the U.S., but also a global problem. According to Globe News Wire, “Workplace stress ranks as the top concern in nearly every country studied.”
Read more in Take The Lead on stressful political environments
The Workplace Options Center for Organizational Effectiveness annual Psychological Safety study found that performance pressure is increasing, and workplace conflict is widespread with young adults expressing burnout at a high level.
“Acknowledging the impact of workplace trauma and fostering a culture where employees feel seen, supported, and psychologically safe is essential for organizations committed to long-term success,” says Dr. Kennette Harris, Chief Clinical Officer of Workplace Options.
“#Acknowledging the #impact of #workplace #trauma and fostering a #culture where employees feel seen, supported, and psychologically #safe is essential for #organizations committed to #longtermsuccess. –Dr. Kennette Harris”
“Our research highlights the importance of equipping leaders with the skills to turn conflict into collaboration, fostering an environment where challenges are addressed with empathy and respect.”
Harris adds, “Work-life balance should not be treated as a mere perk but as a strategic demonstration of employees' fundamental worth—an essential element in showing support for their well-being, fostering trust, and maintaining a sustainable, engaged, and innovative workforce.”