Posts in Inspirational Role Models
Courage to Lead: 3 Moves to Unlock Big Impact

Anxiety is in the air. You can feel it everywhere — layoffs, political uncertainty, the gnawing fear that the earth is shifting beneath our feet.

In times like these, leadership can feel impossible. How can you lead when you don’t even know what the next week will bring?

The truth is courage to lead isn’t knowing all the answers. It’s stepping forward even when you don’t.

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Action: Your Antidote to Anxiety and Other Ills

Madeleine moved to a new state with her husband who got a great job there, but she felt the loss of grounding without family and friends and the stimulation of a large city. She approached me to volunteer for Take The Lead and we began to work on a plan.

“I’m feeling alive again,” she said.

In our fast-paced, often overwhelming world, anxiety, fear, and depression can creep in like shadows at dusk — persistent, heavy, and seemingly insurmountable. Yet, hidden in the very act of taking a step forward is a powerful remedy. Action, even in its smallest form, can serve as the antidote to these pervasive feelings.

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Honor Your Authenticity: Power Up Award Winner Succeeds With Life Choices

Jenny Nguyen learned how to dribble a basketball at four years old. So, it’s little wonder that at 44, she is running the hugely successful enterprise, The Sports Bra, the first bar/restaurant ever to only show women’s sports on its large TV screens.

Winner of the Changemaker of the Year Award from Take The Lead, Nguyen will speak about her journey as a first-generation Viet Nam daughter who followed her dreams even as they shifted at the 2024 Power Up Concert & Conference on Women’s Equality Day in Washington, D.C.

Nine Power Tool Award winners will receive recognition at the event August 25-26– one for each of the 9 Leadership Power Tools in Take The Lead’s curriculum. The awards were created by Felicia Davis, Take The Lead Leadership Ambassador and Founder of the Black Women’s Collective.

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Black History Month: 8 Black Women Leaders You Need To Know

In 1976, 50 years after the first celebrations, President Gerald R. Ford made Black History Month official. Ford said, It is time to "seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history," reports.

This year, the Smithsonian Museum is celebrating Black History Month with leaders in the arts, highlighting the “art of resistance and the artists who used their crafts to uplift the race, speak truth to power and inspire a nation.”

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Social Justice and Fairness: Author, Journalist on Journey to Tell Buried Truths

“You are your sibling’s keeper.”

Antonia Hylton says that growing up outside of Boston in Lincoln, Mass. (a half mile from where Paul Revere was arrested) as one of only a few Black families in a white town, her law school professor parents instilled in her and her six siblings a sense of responsibility, accountability and social justice.

Now an award-winning journalist, author, documentarian, podcaster and advocate, Hylton says, “I didn’t want to be a lawyer, but I was interested in justice and fairness. I feel I am responsible to those who come after me.”

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Applauding Good Work: Activists Advocating For Women, Girls Across Generations

The first Chicago Foundation For Women award went to Ruth Bader Ginsburg in 2005, at the age of 72, when she was a Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. Since then, 125 women leaders have been honored, and this year, 17-year-old Azariah Baker, Youth Leader of A Long Walk Home, won the Vanguard Award.

“I have been encouraged by so many women in my life and am so thankful,” says Baker, an artist and activist, senior at George Washington College Prep High School, who is attending Spelman College in the fall. “You see women here doing everything in their fullness. My work is an ode to my Black experience.”

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The 12 Best Leadership Lessons From Take The Lead in 2022

Who really needs a partridge in a pear tree? What many women in the workplace need is a reliable set of accessible tools, insights and proven leadership lessons to enhance and transform their careers and their work lives.

Take The Lead offers those valuable tips each week in interviews with a broad range of leaders across identities and communities in various industries across the globe, representing different approaches to distinct challenges many face.

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GivingTuesday CEO: Everybody Is Generous

“Generosity is a basic, positive human value. In today’s climate, it is a tremendously undervalued tool for depolarization,” says Asha Curran, CEO of GivingTuesday, a unique model of funding and community-based philanthropy in 85 countries, raising an estimated total of $7-10 billion over the last 10 years.

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Expand The Truth: Women Journalists Explore Present, Future and Power Of Community

“I don’t believe in the luxury of neutrality when our bodies are on the line.”

Karen Attiah, Global Opinions editor for The Washington Post, told more than 120 journalists from across the U.S. at the recent Journalism & Women Symposium camp in Austin, Texas, that her crucible as a journalist in the age of disinformation is to “expand someone’s imagination of what is true and how people see the world.”

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Ellevate Your Career: CEO Maricella Herrera on Defining Your Own Success

After earning her Masters in Business Administration at Columbia University in New York in 2012, following five years working in banking in Mexico, Maricella Herrera was interviewing for a new boutique banking job in Mexico, where she intended to return to live.

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The Big RE Awards: Take The Lead Honors Excellence In Equity Leadership, Philanthropy, Business

It is the first of many.

Suzanne Lerner, co-founder of Michael Stars, was awarded the first-ever Wear The Shirt Award at Take The Lead’s 2022 Power Up Concert & Conference, the Big RE: Rethink, Rewire and Recreate held recently virtually and in person in Phoenix, AZ.

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Standing Ovations for Pianist and Composer Marina Arsenijevic at Take The Lead Power Up Concert on Women’s Equality Day

“Marina Tore the Damn House Down”

— Felicia Davis , Leadership Brand Strategist Founder of BlackWomanElevate

NEW YORK, NY, USA, September 3, 2022 — MARINA’S BOMBASTIC PERFORMANCE to be REBROADCAST on her YouTube channel premiering on September 1, 2022.

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