Posts tagged stress
Free Up To Calm Down: 10 Ways To Restore Yourself, Your Workplace Now

It’s been a lot. The stressful developments of the past several months from political campaigns, the election and catastrophic global conflicts, to natural disasters have caused distress and disruption for anyone and everyone, regardless of politics.

The 2024 American Psychiatric Association report shows 70% of adults in this country “are particularly anxious about current events.”

Add in the requirements individuals bear for the holidays at work and at home, as well as end of the year presentations, reports and projections, and there is an equation leading to burnout. Add in the disparities of race and gender in culture and the workplace, and it may seem insurmountable. But it is possible to transcend the discord with strategies to stay calm—and productive.

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Are You OK? 5 Keys To Deal Effectively With Trauma in The Workplace

Sometimes it is impossible to keep calm and carry on.

With so many affected by catastrophes globally, nationally and locally that are top of mind, as well as additional personal considerations and tolerated toxic behaviors, learning how to effectively handle the impact on yourself, colleagues, clients and customers is a necessary skill.

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Prioritize Your Mental Health: How To Address Concerns Affecting You And Your Work

A bubble bath is not going to fix much. Nor is one “mental health day” on a calendar of hundreds of stress-filled workdays going to make it all better.

As May is Mental Health Awareness Month, it is critical to address the crisis of mental health for women in the workplace and also to acknowledge what Dr. Pooja Lakshmin, clinical assistant professor of psychiatry at the George Washington University School of Medicine and founder of Gemma, calls “faux self-care.”

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Under Pressure: Strategies For Dealing With Stress As An Effective Leader

It’s always something. Whether you are feeling stress because of external factors outside of work in the form of breaking news, the economic climate or family issues, or whether you are pressed by internal factors including anxiety about performance, deadlines and perhaps even downsizing, stress arrives.

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