How Jacinda Ardern Took Down a Reporter’s Sexist Question and Showed Us Three Ways to Outsmart Implicit Bias

Issue 213— December 5, 2022

You really must watch this video to get your hackles up at the hapless reporter who asked New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern if she was meeting Finland’s Prime Minister Sanna Marin because they are “similar in age.”

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The 12 Best Leadership Lessons From Take The Lead in 2022

Who really needs a partridge in a pear tree? What many women in the workplace need is a reliable set of accessible tools, insights and proven leadership lessons to enhance and transform their careers and their work lives.

Take The Lead offers those valuable tips each week in interviews with a broad range of leaders across identities and communities in various industries across the globe, representing different approaches to distinct challenges many face.

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Are You the One Who Sent The $2000 Check?

Issue 212 — November 28, 2022

If you sent that check — it came last week without information as to the donor — to Take The Lead, thank you! This post will be published to coincide with Giving Tuesday so whoever you are, your timing could not be more perfect.

I just posted the message below on my personal fundraising page for Giving Tuesday:

I co-founded and am devoting this phase of my life to Take The Lead ( because its training, coaching, role models, and thought leadership have been proven to provide women with the very tools they need to embrace their power and elevate their ideas about what they can achieve in their careers and personal lives.

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GivingTuesday CEO: Everybody Is Generous

“Generosity is a basic, positive human value. In today’s climate, it is a tremendously undervalued tool for depolarization,” says Asha Curran, CEO of GivingTuesday, a unique model of funding and community-based philanthropy in 85 countries, raising an estimated total of $7-10 billion over the last 10 years.

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How Nancy Pelosi Aced the 4 P’s of Political Leadership: Power, Presence, Platform, and Perseverance

Issue 211 — November 21, 2022

Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi gave the best speech of her political life on November 17, when after the 2022 midterm elections, she announced she would remain in Congress but would not run for Minority Leader again in January when the new Congress convenes.

Her words and her demeanor were a summation of her style of leadership.

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Six (Nonpartisan) Leadership Lessons from the 2022 Elections

Issue 210 — November 14, 2022

I believe so strongly that #votingisleadership that I created a hashtag for it. Civic engagement is in my view a critical part of leadership. We are all shaped by our communities and so must be part of shaping them.

Politics, as political scientist Walter Truett Anderson defined it, is the clash of uncertainties from which social realities are constructed.

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Is There a Place For Us? Only #Whenweallvote

Voting is a form of leadership. My grandparents, who were immigrants and entrepreneurs, taught me that everyone has an obligation to participate in the community. If you have not already cast your vote in the crucial midterm elections, here is where you can go to make sure your vote counts, where and how to vote in your state, and information about where candidates stand on issues of concern to you. Here is an easy to use resource to find out what is on the ballot where you vote, how to get help if you experience a problem casting your vote, and more.

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Title IX at 50: Sports Drive and Inspire Women Leaders to C-Suites

“There is not anything that empowers girls and women the way sports do,” says Donna Lopiano, President and Founder of Sports Management Resources, at the recent conference, “Title IX at 50: Past, Present, Future,” spanning three days of events at Northwestern University.

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Global Tech Leader: Why Collaborating And Supporting Women in Tech Is Urgent  

The customer may or may not be always right, but Kristin Naragon tries to always do right by the customer. She also tries always to do right to create gender fairness, equity and inclusion for women in tech.

As VP of global marketing and strategy at Akeneo, a product experience platform for more than 600 companies such as Sephora, Forever 21, Carhartt and more, Naragon works on global strategies for better customer experiences. And after recently receiving $135 million in series D funding for Akeneo, Naragon is on a mission to make that happen.

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Positive Results: COO On Creating Your Future With Positive Mindset

“The middle of nowhere.”

That is how Dianna Moore, COO of Hire Runner, business and lifestyle coach and former senior program manager at Boeing, describes the 308-acre site in north central rural Oregon where she grew up.

She was born in in a log cabin her father built for the family where she lived with her parents, older sister, and younger brother. It was much like what was depicted in the “Little House on The Praire,” Moore says, with no electricity, an outhouse, as well as lots of outdoor animals including dogs, cats and horses..

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