They Can See Clearly Now: Co-Founders Launch Inclusive Eyewear Brand

Florence Shin and Athina Wang want you to know they are absolutely not sick of each other. The co-founders and creators of Covry, a brand of handcrafted eyewear they launched in 2015, have been besties since high school class of 2009, in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, as the two most interested in fashion in their larger group of friends.

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Little Update: 9 Leadership Lessons From “Little Women” and Take The Lead

Louisa May Alcott is so 2020. At least her 1868 novel, “Little Women” in the hands of film director Greta Gerwig is. It’s a new feminist film far ahead of its time with lessons in leadership, ambition, motherhood, work and sisterhood that all women can use right about now. The lessons gathered from the latest iteration of the film also coincide with the 9 Leadership Power Tools created by Gloria Feldt, co-founder and president of Take The Lead.

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So Convincing: Persuasion Author’s 6 Tips To Get Others On Your Side

Persuasion had to start early in life for Lee Hartley Carter, author and president of maslansky + partners, a global language strategy firm based in New York with the tagline, “It’s not what you say, it’s what they hear.” Growing up the first daughter in a New Jersey family where her mother and most all female relatives stayed home to raise children, Carter says she still has to answer the question, “What do you mean you’re still working?”

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Hello 2020: 3 Intentions to Predict the Future by Creating It.

Issue 117 — January 5, 2020

My son gave me a cool gift last year called StoryWorth. I answered a question about my life (almost) every week and it was shared with my children for their comments. The company will turn all this content into a book now. Nice. I’ve had fun looking back at my history. And the exercise reminded me that it’s not so much the facts of what happened but the meaning of those facts — how you interpret them, what you learn from them, and how all that informs one’s choices.

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Did “Bombshell” Bomb Because It's Too True? #MeToo At Work  

“No one will believe you. They will call you a liar. Do you think women are idiots?” It’s a turning point in the recent movie, “Bombshell,” when Charlize Theron playing Megyn Kelly says it in a meeting at Fox News. The movie has many shocking and pivotal moments, from Nicole Kidman playing Gretchen Carlson who says, “Someone has to speak up, someone has to get mad,” to the emotional breakdown of Margot Robbie playing a fictional character, Kayla, who was sexually assaulted by FOX News head Roger Ailes in his office.

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Press Pause: Co-CEO Offers 3 Life Lessons For The New Year and Forever

At 34, Tania Luna has already held 30 jobs. Now co-CEO at LifeLabs Learning, the author, who also co-founded Surprise Enterprises, attributes her resilience to a complicated life viewed with gratitude and surprise. Luna thought the Brooklyn homeless shelter she and her family lived in during the early 90s was a hotel. They had arrived in New York when she was five years old from Ukraine seeking asylum after the devastating Chernobyl accident in 1986.

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Fierce Feminist: Author Linda Hirshman On History's Reckoning

Linda Hirshman credits her Cleveland junior high public school teachers for helping make her who she is. The prolific author, lawyer, retired esteemed university professor and feminist thought leader says, “I had very radical teachers in my public school and when you are 12, 13 and 14, your teachers feel like a real source of truth to you.”

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Take Care: 6 Ways To Cultivate Your Wellness As a Leader

The narrative on health and wellness for women in the workplace is changing. Companies are moving away from a world where employees clock in and out, sit in grim cubicles all day, and make do with five sick days a year. A good leader knows that a healthy, thriving workforce is a productive and engaged workforce. Take the lead in employee wellness. Here are six ways to cultivate personal health in the workplace.

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Close Out: 6 Ways To End The Year Stronger At Wortk

I have been tempted to send end of the year emails to colleagues who routinely fail to respond to necessary emails with: “The year is almost over, can you please answer this question from July?” But I know that is not a good idea. Whether you are an entrepreneur with a small business, or a manager in a large corporation, you will want to get your records and files in order.

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It’s Not Bragging If It’s True: 4 Ways To Play Up Your Wins

You may have heard the joke that goes like this (and you can fill in the blank):  How do you know if a man (won an award, got a job promotion, attended an Ivy League school…)? Answer: Because he will tell you. Women, not so much. A new study called The Self-Promotion Gap of more than 1,000 men and women shows that 69 percent of women would rather downplay their accomplishments than talk about them.

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#DontMessWithMe: Nancy, Bella, Gabrielle, Tarana, Melinda, Oby, and Other Women's Lessons in the Power of Your Voice

The biggest lesson for women in today’s world that I believe is flush with opportunity despite persistent remnants of implicit bias, stereotype threat, and culturally learned barriers in our own minds is this: no one can break the pattern of silence as assent but us. No one can set our #dontmesswithme boundaries but us. No one is likely to speak out against patterns of gender-based abuse and violence unless we start the conversation.

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America’s Got Bias: Workplace Hair Discrimination In Spotlight

“Too black.” Apparently actress Gabrielle Union was fired from her position as a judge on “America’s Got Talent” because as an African-American woman, her hairstyles were deemed not appropriate or comfortable for some audiences to watch, according to reports.

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