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Welcome to the power packed month of February: First, Black History Month

Despite the drolly delivered good news that Punxsutawney Phil predicts an early spring, I entered February still mourning basketball great Kobe Bryant, who died along with his daughter and seven others in a helicopter crash on January 26. I can’t get this tragic loss of life, loss of potential, and loss of a history-making African American athlete off of my mind. I begin my Sum column this week with condolences to the families of all who perished.

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The Power To Change Is Yours: Power Up Conference Is Jet Fuel For Your Career

You can definitely find scores of reasons  to attend Take The Lead’s “Power Up: Igniting The Intentional Leader Within” conference later this month in Scottsdale, Az. What you can’t find is a reason not to attend. Gloria Feldt, co-founder and president of Take The Lead, will be revealing for the first time to conference attendees leadership power tools she has been developing.

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You Go First: Salary Transparency Almost Closes Gender Pay Gap

The good news if you are a woman working in healthcare, architecture, engineering, education and a few other industries is that pay equity is the norm when your organization has pay transparency. The bad news is if you are a female in food services, retail, customer service, transportation and a few more male-dominated fields, you will likely be paid less than men doing the same job.

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Why Say Yes: Take The Leap and Power Up For Take The Lead Conference

Leap Day is one day added to the calendar every four years “as a corrective measure,” because the earth’s orbit is not precisely completed in 365 days. Take The Lead is jumping on that opportunity on Leap Day this year for its own corrective measures moving the workplace and culture toward gender parity in leadership with the “Power Up: Igniting the Intentional Leader Within” conference February 28-29 in Scottsdale, Az.

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Fierce Is The Word: President’s 5 Predictions for 2020 Workplaces

Stacey Engle, president of Fierce Conversations, understands perfectly the double meaning of the word. “Fierce to me is what you think of when someone is fiercely loyal, passionate, caring, courageous and getting to the heart of something.” She adds, “Someone can also interpret fierce as aggressive or too intense.” The two interpretations offer the opportunity to address what it means to be effective.

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Same Old Song? Women In Music Win Awards But Still Face Opportunity Gaps

Taylor Swift had it right. In her performance at the recent American Music Awards, where she won Artist of The Decade as well as Artist of The Year, she sang, “The Man,” with particularly fitting lyrics. “If I was the man, I’d be the man,” she sang, surrounded by a choir of young girls. Alas, she is not. And the gender gap in all music is wide.

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For Attribution: Take The Lead Changing The Record on Women Journalists in Wikipedia

Virginia Woolf famously said, “For most of history, anonymous was a woman.” A new effort launched by Take The Lead’s 50 Women in Journalism Can Change The World cohort, Women Do News, is out to give credit to women journalists where credit is due, particularly in the pages of Wikipedia.

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What, How Much and Where: Check Wages For Best Career Moves

Super good news for your wallet if you work in San Francisco, Seattle, Austin or Pittsburgh. Awesome if you are in transportation, marketing and advertising, or IT. PayScale Inc.’s latest Q3 2019 PayScale Index, which tracks quarterly trends in compensation, shows that overall wages in the U.S. increased 2.6 percent in the past year, with job growth averaging 161,000 new jobs per month for the first nine months of the year.

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Imagine a World…

Imagine for a moment what the world would be like if men and women held fair and equal shares of top leadership positions across every sector. What are the words you would use to describe such a world? Last weekend, I got to do one of the things that keeps me so powerfully committed to this mission of gender parity in leadership by 2025.

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A Cup Of Soup For A Better Future: CEO Offers Lessons on Leading For Change

Thirty years ago this year The Women’s Bean Project started with $500 and a cup of bean soup. The idea that founder Josey Eyre had in 1989 was to transform the lives of homeless women in Colorado Springs to employed workers living independently with their families. So Eyre bought $500 in supplies to make bean soup mix and quickly sold $6,000 in mixes on the initial investment.

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Power Of Service and Vision: Center of Public Integrity CEO Leads With Purpose

“I am not CEO Susan; it sounds like a new version of Barbie,” says Susan Smith Richardson, CEO of the Center for Public Integrity. As keynote speaker at the recent Journalism & Women Symposium annual Conference and Mentoring Project in Williamsburg, Va. recently, Richardson, the award-winning former editorial director of Newsroom Practice Change at Solutions Journalism Network and former editor and publisher of The Chicago Reporter, spoke of the value of using your power in service to fulfill a vision.

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