For Attribution: Take The Lead Changing The Record on Women Journalists in Wikipedia

Virginia Woolf famously said, “For most of history, anonymous was a woman.” A new effort launched by Take The Lead’s 50 Women in Journalism Can Change The World cohort, Women Do News, is out to give credit to women journalists where credit is due, particularly in the pages of Wikipedia.

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Who You Calling That? Is It Time To Retire The Badass Women Title?

The Merriam Webster dictionary defines badass as “informal + sometimes offensive : ready to cause or get into trouble” as a noun. As an adjective, informal + sometimes offensive as in “of formidable strength or skill such a badass guitar player.”

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Who Edits History?

I have been secretary of almost every organization I’ve ever belonged to. It started with when I was a Girl Scout. I suppose I was chosen to be secretary because throughout elementary school I carried around a notebook and pencil to write stories. And I quickly learned that she who holds the pencil gets to tell the story of the meeting her way, even with the constrictions of Roberts Rules of Order.

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Why Being Your Authentic Self May Be A Lie For Most Women At Work

For anyone who has been told she is “difficult,” “tough,” “has a big personality,” and needs to tone it down, calm down, be a little less whatever, all this popular rhetoric on being your authentic self at work can be, well, inauthentic and not true. Research shows that authentic works at the top, perhaps, and in some company cultures where inclusion is a value, not a hiring tool.

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Unqork It: Two Female Innovators Driving Growth Of Enterprise Tech App

It was the first of many smart choices for the team that created Unqork, a software development app, that recently raised $80 million in venture capital and has grown to 160 employees in two years. Jane Tran, vice president of strategy, says that the url name “” costs $500,000, and the url “uncorq” cost $14.99 on

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The Wowza Week of Women Changing The World 4 Ways

The last seven days have been nothing short of amazing. So my column this week is largely a pictorial with brief commentary on several categories of advances for women and gender equality unrolling before our eyes if we can only see and appreciate them. Yes, I know the news is full of narratives about difficulties and disparities women face, and they are real.

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Let's All Go To The Movies: 7 Female-Leading Flicks You Must See

This pre-holiday and holiday season, women are dominating the big screen and hopefully the box office with fictional and historical characters. They are good and evil and a little bit of both and are fighting crime and committing a few. At Take The Lead we decided it was worth suggesting a few of these feature-length efforts may be worth your time, energy and popcorn to witness. Especially since three of the seven (almost half) have female directors and all have leading ladies.

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Michele WeldonComment
Give What You've Got: Helping Women By Donating Time, Resources, Energy

Very few women have the resources of Melinda Gates to commit billions to causes they believe in. But every woman can have a cause to believe in and commit to it. That commitment can include pooling together small donations for a larger impact, donating valuable time and services and volunteering time to be a board advisor, mentor or someone who gives her professional acumen and services to help the cause and organization for free.

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Don’t Ask To Pick My Brain: 6 Networking Tips From Fairygodboss Co-Founder

Georgene Huang, CEO and Co-founder of Fairygodboss, says that a decade ago networking was about attending events and talking to as many people as you could in one space. Today you need strategies and support, taking advantage of online mechanisms and virtual connections.

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3 Big Lessons From My First Season of the Take The Lead Women Podcast

Podcasts are so “in” —  everyone is on the bandwagon, according to reports. Big business are commercializing what started out as a homespun art. There’s a podcast for every interest and every taste. Women are great consumers of podcasts because we’re great multitaskers, always having multiple tabs metaphorically open in our brains.

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Empathy Is The Best Route to Innovation: Entrepreneurship Director Offers Advice

If you suggest something to Abigail Ingram, she will follow through and do it. The director of The Women in Entrepreneurship Institute, at DePaul University in Chicago, since its launch in July 2018 heads the first comprehensive institute for women founders that integrates academic learning, research, incubation, funding and public policy.

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