There is a fire that erupts when women REmember who they are AND know that it’s their time to step up and fully own their authority to lead.
Yes, ’m talking about you because you are that woman!
You are the woman that The Big RE Conference was created for because we know that on the other side of spending two days immersed in the power-packed agenda we have in store for you, you are going to leave knowing what it takes to…
According to a Strome College of Business study, more than 92% of remote workers experience “Zoom Fatigue,” which does not bode well for overall team productivity.
There are a few reasons that online meetings are not as effective as in-person meetings: there’s less real-time feedback; many online meeting attendees do not use sound or video; and multitasking takes over.
Read MoreWhat if we told you that someone was waiting on you to activate your Big RE?
Not next month, not next year but NOW?
Would you believe in yourself enough to start or would you continue to talk yourself out of what you really want?
Read MoreIt is impossible to be the change you want to see if you are stuck in one Big RE. That RE is REsistance.
REsistance is one of the unspoken differences that separates world-class leaders from everyone else. If you want to stand out from the sea of sameness, you must be willing to get unhooked from resistance.
The irony is that her vision literally stopped her from pursuing her dream career.
But it is her lifetime as a visionary that enables entrepreneurs and leaders to never stop pursuing their dreams.
Read MoreWhether you are an ebook or audio book lover, or still want to get your pages dirty, there are so many great summer reading options with new great leadership and business titles.
And you are not alone.
Read More“All of a sudden whispers become large shouts,” Marie Yovanovitch, former ambassador to Ukraine, told a crowd recently at the Chicago Humanities Festival.
Talking about her politically-forced firing from her position as U.S. ambassador to Ukraine in 2019 after 33 years of foreign service and three ambassador posts, Yovanovitch adds, “This is not anything I imagined would happen to me.”
Read MoreDonna Cryer’s mother wanted a white picket fence surrounding an idyllic space for her children to grow up in Waterbury, Conn.
“We did indeed have a white picket fence,” says Cryer, founder, president and CEO of the Global Liver Institute, whose parents moved to Connecticut during the late 1960s when they were recruited as African American schoolteachers for local public schools.
Read MoreShe has always liked moving fast.
At seven years old, growing up in greater London, Rita Kakati-Shah told her physician father and zoologist mother (who was also a classically trained singer and dancer) that she intended to be a formula race car mechanic or race car driver.
Read More“I was the kid who loved all kinds of things.”
As a girl growing up outside Trenton, New Jersey at Fort Dix, where her father was based in the U.S. Army, Lily McNair loved books—a biography on Harriet Tubman especially, plus a psychology textbook—and a chemistry set that taught her how to make little volcanoes.
The miniature chemistry set her parents gave her one Christmas ignited McNair’s love of science. Tubman’s story inspired her to live a life helping others. And the psychology textbook her father bought (though he had not attended college) showed her she wanted to pursue a career in psychiatry or psychology.
Read MoreShe will be Black, female and serving on the highest court in the land; the first time in its 232-year history. Coincidentally, the nomination will be official at the end of February, Black History Month and fulfills a 2019 campaign promise by President Joe Biden.
Read More“Every story has value, every woman has value and can make her valuable contribution, not just the rich, famous and powerful,” says Rebecca Sive, author of the new book, Make Herstory Your Story: Your Guided Journal to Justice Every Day for Every Woman.
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