The message couldn’t be more clear from the top of government and throughout the offices and halls of nearly every industry: Gender equity in leadership is imperative to move our culture, nation and the world forward.
Read MoreDo you know which major STEM field boasts as many women in the profession as men? Where almost half the college degrees – even at the PhD level – are granted to women? Where women have a significant presence in the most influential circles of the profession?
Read MoreWe’d like to think that everyone is on board for gender parity in the workplace and across all industries, sectors and cultures. We assume the holdouts and stalls are because some administrators and leaders may not have known just how to solve the gender gap.
Read MoreHow Hoffsome. David Hasselhoff, also known as “The Hoff,” the 63-year-old former “Baywatch” star and more recently the star of the “Sharknado” movies, has become the face of the official “Hoffsome” stamp given to all-male conference panels, thanks to a Tumblr dedicated to the narrow practice.
Read MoreCorporate leaders often misjudge the motivations of female employees, with the majority expecting that women in their 30s would leave a company to start a family, or because of their need for more flexibility. But new research shows that both men and women will leave a company because they want to be paid more.
Read MoreLast July we wrote about how Taiwan was on the verge of electing a female president for the first time in its history, with both major political parties nominating female candidates. Over the weekend the island made it official by voting Tsai Ing-wen of the Democratic Progressive Party into office.Tsai won 56 percent of the vote in what the Economist is calling a “landslide that will change Chinese politics.”
Read MoreIf you’re like me, and you’ve always been more of a Colbert Report connoisseur than a Daily Show devotee, there’s a good chance you hadn’t even heard of late night’s newest kid on the block until recently. But it has been impossible to escape one name as of late: Samantha Bee.
Read MoreRemember back in August, when First Lieutenant Shayne Haver and Captain Kristen Griest became the first women to graduate from the notoriously grueling Army Ranger School? That was pretty cool, right? But there was still one big barrier remaining for them: graduating the intensive leadership course does not actually make you an Army Ranger. Despite proving themselves to be qualified and prepared for a ranger’s responsibilities, as women, Haver and Griest were still not allowed to be considered for entry into the elite fighting force within Army special operations. That officially changed last Thursday.
Read MoreA couple of weeks back, I had the pleasure of attending the National Conversation on Board Diversity Day, in Phoenix, Arizona hosted by Ellevate and Take The Lead. I had the opportunity to ask this question:
Read MoreSuccess is the sum of small efforts day in and day out. And when that success has the power to affect millions of lives, it’s bigger than any tangible reward. The NYS Women’s Equality Bill, which was passed in this year’s Legislative session, was formally signed to law this Wednesday at 11 AM. The celebratory PowHer Hour was captured and streamed all across social media. Learn more about The New NYS Women’s Equality Law Primer, PowHer Play Video Series Highlighting 2015 NYS Women’s Legislation.
Read MoreReshma Saujani founded Girls Who Code in 2012 to teach adolescent women computer science skills and inspire them to close the gender gap in tech. Three years and thousands of graduates later, the “teaching” part of that mission is humming right along. Next comes the part when these women—many of them in college now—land their first tech jobs, and they’ll have some impressive options open to them.
Read MoreIsraeli ad agency McCann Tel Aviv is known for its top-notch advertising work, but now it can add “brilliant women’s advocacy” to its list of company specialties. The agency recently rolled out a website, Persona, that lists nearly 700 Israeli women qualified to speak on panels on a wide variety of professional topics.
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