Change Your Life, Career, Future: Why and How Starts Here and Now With Intentioning
The live, one-hour Intentioning Mastermind series begins March 23 and runs for 13 weeks.
One hour a week for 13 weeks is worth spending on the future you create for yourself.
“This is about zeroing in on the tangible thought process leaders need to move up in their careers,” says Gloria Feldt, co-founder and president of Take The Lead. Feldt created the new mastermind series, “Intentioning: How to Transform Your Dreams to Reality with the Power of Intention,” launching March 23 and running until June 15.
““This is about zeroing in on the tangible thought process #leaders need to move up in their careers,” says @GloriaFeldt, creator of the @Takeleadwomen mastermind series, “Intentioning: How to Transform Your Dreams to Reality with the Power of Intention,” launching March 23. #leadershipdevelopment”
Register here for Intentioning Mastermind Series
Kicking off the live series created for women leaders who are mid-career, management and C-suite levels during Women’s History Month is a nod to the collective power of community and what Feldt calls “the infinite pie” of possibilities for women in leadership.
“The thing most trainings don’t teach is how you have to think differently as you ascend in your leadership journey,” Feldt says. The live virtual meetings with high community interactions, accessible for one year to participants after the series ends, offers “fundamental knowledge about power dynamics.”
The timing of the live mastermind arrives as women leaders across industries are dealing with COVID repercussions, remote work implications, culture shifts, reorganizations, burnout as well as ongoing historic bias and systemic discrimination.
“The timing of the live @Takeleadwomen Mastermind arrives as #womenleaders across industries are dealing with COVID repercussions, remote work implications, culture shifts, reorganizations, burnout as well as ongoing historic bias and systemic discrimination. ”
Forbes reports that in 2023, the historic, ongoing and forever gender pay gap persists. “Only 8.8% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women.” Additionally, “Even when controlling for job characteristics, women at the executive level still earn only 95 cents for every dollar earned by men, and in the uncontrolled group, the pay gap widens to 73 cents. Female executives who switch firms can expect an average salary increase of 25%, compared to a 9% increase for their male counterparts.”
Beyond pay, treatment of women in workplaces is tainted with the tendency for many to act out what is called the “tallest poppy syndrome,” or the tendency to try and diminish a woman leader who makes herself seen and known in the workplace.
A new Women of Influence study, The Tallest Poppy 2023, finds that 86.8 per cent of women respondents experienced the phenomenon of “being bullied and belittled, challenged on their successes, and made to feel as though it’s not their place to take up so much space” at work.
The study of 4,710 respondents across 103 countries in January and February of 2023 finds that 77 percent of women reported their achievements were downplayed, while 72.4 percent of respondents said they were left out of meetings and discussions or were ignored. Additionally, 70.7 percent said they were undermined because of their achievement, 68.3 percent reported their achievements dismissed and 66.1 percent said others took credit for their work.
“Beyond pay, treatment of women in workplaces is tainted with the tendency for many to act out what is called the “tallest poppy syndrome,” or the tendency to try and diminish a woman leader who makes herself seen and known in the #workplace. #womenleaders”
The Intentioning mastermind directly addresses these issues highlighting systems change, including “how to unpack implicit bias and turn its effects on its head.”
With an active community platform, live weekly interaction with Feldt and other leader participants, the series has definitive steps, strategies and tools in the curriculum with the fluid and spontaneous opportunities to respond to immediate questions and needs.
“With an active community platform, live weekly interaction with @GloriaFeldt and other #leader participants, the @Takeleadwomen mastermind series has definitive steps, strategies and tools in the curriculum with the fluid and spontaneous opportunities to respond to immediate questions and needs. #leadershipdevelopment”
Participants in the mastermind receive many bonuses including a workbook, access to a free virtual ticket to the Power Up Women's Equality Day Conference and Concert August 26 and discounts on tickets to Women of Worth Summit and The Women's Collaborative conference, and other partner events.
Read more about Power To Change Stories
“This is not fluff,” Feldt says. “You will be able to grow.”
Early in the series, participants are able to name and define their goals and create a VCA declaration of “vision, change and action” naming their “highest and best gifts” and outlining the best uses for them.
Informed by “self-definitional leadership intentioning tools,” Feldt says this moves beyond the ambiguity of ambition and into the concrete naming of intentioning.
“Ambition is ‘I wish, I want, I’m thinking about, I hope.’ Intention is ‘Heck, yes, I see myself already doing it, I am doing it, there is not even a question,’” Feldt says.
While the past few years of COVID and resulting economic fallout have proven difficult for women in all levels of their careers, including women at the top, new research shows women persist and excel.
“While the past few years of COVID and resulting economic fallout have proven difficult for women in all levels of their careers, including women at the top, new research shows women persist and excel. #careersuccess #womenleaders”
According to theSkimm, “Our 2023 State of Women Report, a study of 4,500 women conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of theSkimm, discovered that, while women are exhausted and disappointed, they have not given up. They have simply given up on the illusion of external support. The findings show that women are making seismic changes to how they live, finally prioritizing their own needs because no one else will. Instead of resignation, they are exhibiting agency, and a willingness to make tough choices to secure their own futures.”
According to theSkimm report, “64% said they felt the trajectory of their lives were more determined by ‘my goals and actions,’ whereas only 36% answered “societal factors.’ In the face of persistent inequity, women are focusing on their own needs, even when that means doing less for or because of others.” The report shows, “Instead they are investing in solutions that benefit them.”
With a curriculum that is innovative and responsive to the input of the community, Feldt says a key value to the series is the wisdom and energy of others. With small group coaching sessions and access to a community platform to share ideas, insights and learnings, the series offers participants a chance to make individual action plans as well as create a support system.
“ With a curriculum that is innovative and responsive to the input of the community, @GloriaFeldt says a key value to the @Takeleadwomen mastermind series is the wisdom and energy of others. “This is not fluff,” Feldt says. “You will be able to grow.” #careersuccess #networkingforwomen”
Research shows support from other leaders and input from a reliable community is what many women report they need and want to maintain a sense of wellness to manifest their goals and intentions.
Fast Company reports that new research from leadership community, creative agency Berlin Cameron, and Benenson Strategy, shows, “Loneliness is harming women’s health, relationships, and opportunities for success—and it is worsening as their careers grow.”
According to Fast Company, “Researchers surveyed more than 600 men and women and found that 55% of senior-level women have felt lonely at their jobs at least once in the past month and 69% of senior-level women have felt unsupported at their jobs at least once in the past month.” Additionally, “While many men reported feeling less lonely as their careers progressed, 60% of women in leadership say their feelings of loneliness or isolation actually increased as their careers progressed.”
The series can help each participant build social capital. Feldt says, “Relationships are everything and will ultimately help you as much as educational qualifications or work experience.”
“The @Takeleadwomen #mastermind series can help each participant build social capital. @Gloriafeldt says, “Relationships are everything and will ultimately help you as much as educational qualifications or work experience.” #community ”
The possibility for transformation is key and the ability to create meaningful relationships in the community originating with the series is priceless.
The Intentioning mastermind focuses on these concerns and offers multiple high-value resources, access to content and community that can significantly change a person’s life and career.
“Once you know you have the power, how do you want to use that power? What are your highest and best gifts that you want to give the world?” Feldt asks.
The Intentioning mastermind series will definitively influence your ability to make those choices for action.
“What do you want your life to mean?” Feldt asks. “If you don’t take the action, it doesn’t matter.”
“The @Takeleadwomen Intentioning mastermind series will definitively influence your ability to make those choices for action. “What do you want your life to mean?” @GloriaFeldt asks. “If you don’t take the action, it doesn’t matter.” #intentioning #careergrowth”
Register here for the Intentioning Mastermind series