Gender fatigue is a real thing. It’s when administrators, boards, C-suite types and those in charge of hiring claim that pushing for gender parity is exhausting.
Read MoreYou may be up to your eyebrows in year-end reviews, but it was a good year—OK, it was a mixed year—for women in leadership. Hopefully a good one for you.
Read MoreIt’s the end of the year, and you may be gearing up to ask for a raise because of excellent performance, salary competitiveness, or even just cost of living. The good news is 84 percent of organizations plan to give base pay increases in 2018.
Read MoreHow many Mega Millions winning lottery tickets would it take to close the gender pay gap? 313. That’s because $500 billion is the total gender pay gap each year in the United States
Read MoreIt is list season.
Read MoreHow dare she?
Read MoreIt’s simple, right? Equal means equal. Unless it doesn’t.
Read MoreWe get it that this is not Iceland. Iceland is No. 1 on the “World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Index, which ranks 144 countries based on how close they are to achieving gender equality,” Melissa Jun Rowley writes in Forbes. The U.S. ranks 45th. “According to the Global Gender
Read MoreIt was six short films (including two animated works) in one evening of spectacular possibility.
Read MoreIt gets tiresome every publishing cycle when lists of recommended business and leadership books feature only male authors or a very few female authors.
Read MoreWhat do you get when you bring together an inter-generational group of independent working women to sing, dance, bond, thrive, make their own sexual and reproduction choices, run successful businesses and wear magnificent costumes spanning decades?
Read MoreWhen is 20 percent off not a good thing? When it is applied to every working woman in America who makes on average 20 percent less than a man in the same position. Click here for Take The Lead’s Equal Pay Day Infographic
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