Women Like You Take The Lead: Emily Graslie

Take The Lead salutes women who are doing extraordinary things in their communities. We will be recognizing women as part of our Women Like You Take The Lead campaign in the weeks leading up to the Take The Lead Challenge Launch Event on February 19th. Do you know an extraordinary woman in your community? Contact us, and we might feature her!

Women Like You Emily Graslie

Women Like You Emily Graslie

Emily Graslie is the host of the educational YouTube channel, “The Brain Scoop,” based out of the Chicago Field Museum. “(It) is one of the warmest, slyest video blogs on the web,” writes NPR science reporter Robert Krulwich. “She’s where I go to find out what museum scientists are up to — and right now she’s at the Field Museum in Chicago, where she wanders from department to department, exploring, delighting, asking questions that you and I would ask if someone gave us a free pass to gawk our way through one of the great natural history museums in the world.” In a recent episode, Emily shared some of the shocking and sexist email that she and her show receives. Graslie reflected on the relatively few number of women in the STEM fields who ran YouTube channels compared to their male counterparts. “What is preventing women from reaching the same number of people?” and “We have a fear of feedback from our subscribers and commenters because we are afraid that our audience is more focused on our appearance than the quality of our content.” Watch this amazing episode below —and then tune in to all of Emily’s outstanding work on her YouTube channel.

Ready to do more in your career and life in 2014? Join us and 1 million other participants on February 19th for the Take The Lead Challenge Launch Event, designed to inspire you and show you how to embrace your power and fulfill your potential. Learn more about the event and sign up for the free livestream.