100th Edition of Take The Lead This Week Intros Your Action Of The Week For Women Leaders
“Know your history.” It’s the first Power Tool in the 9 Leadership Power Tools created and developed by Gloria Feldt, Take The Lead’s co-founder and president.
To honor this tradition and important tool, we revisit the first edition of the Take The Lead This Week newsletter from February 17, 2015, an initiative kicked off on Take The Lead’s first birthday as an organization.
So this edition is Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary all rolled into one.
To commemorate the milestone, we are initiating a new feature in the newsletter aimed at instigating action and building a movement. “Take The Lead: Your Action of The Week” will every week offer a specific action item for you to achieve your goals and help us all achieve the larger goal of gender parity by 2025.
“The newest feature of the TTL newsletter aims to instigate action and build a movement #equality”
Each week we will suggest an action for you to take that can move you where you intend to be in your career, and also help make inroads on the movement for all women leaders to reach gender parity by 2025.
This first week, the inaugural Take The Lead: Your Action of The Week reminds you to use what you’ve got. That means to employ your influence, intelligence and ability to organize a few friends or a big event. This week the action centers on Power Tool #3.
We hope that you will take action and also tweet your suggestions for Action of The Week to @taketheleadwomen.
“Tweet your suggestions for Action of The Week to @taketheleadwomen #MovementBuilding”
Take The Lead was conceived in 2012, offering programs in 2013 and it’s large scale public history began in 2014. That was when Take The Lead launched as a comprehensive leadership organization aimed at reaching gender parity in leadership across all sectors by 2025. With specific programs that prepare, develop, inspire and propel leaders to transform their relationship with power and focus on solutions, not problems.
Since 2015, Take The Lead This Week has told the stories and reported the achievements and efforts of hundreds of women leaders, entrepreneurs, innovators and pioneers in early career, mid-career and the c-suite. These women leaders have inspired us with new ideas, actions, insights and changes. You can peruse the extensive archive or browse a sampling of some of our favorites:
A major move in media was when Katherine Viner was tapped to lead The Guardian as editor in chief, after a mere 194 years with men at the helm of the venerable news outlet.
A new definition of calendar girl arrives with the Annie Liebovitz-shot 2016 calendar for tire manufacturer Pirelli featuring powerful women such as Mellody Hobson, Ava DuVernay and more.
The Defense Department officially welcomes women into the ranks and allows them to enter combat in every branch of the armed forces.
It’s a fashion first as The Gap wins the 2016 Catalyst Award, given out annually by Catalyst Inc., a nonprofit focused on women’s inclusion in the workplace, in recognition of “innovative organizational initiatives that address the recruitment, development, and advancement of all women, including diverse women.”
Connect4Good Founder Nancy D. O’Reilly shares her vision of women’s leadership and philanthropy.
Black female physicians formed #WhatADoctorLooksLike in response to an incident where a woman’s credentials were questioned.
The Grey Rhino CEO and author Michele Wucker wants you to define your style of conflict resolution. Are you a Chicken Little?
Between The Bread Hospitality Group founder Ricky Eisen explains how to feed your ambition as a woman in foodservice.
Women of color leaders share what it’s like to be the “only woman who looks like me”in a top role.
Harnessing the power of Latina leaders is essential moving forward.
Carla Hayden is the first woman and first African American to head the Library of Congress.
Women answer the call to serve and protect; more women in law enforcement changes the culture.
Laurie Battaglia, a Take The Lead Leadership Ambassador changes the rules of gaming in Iowa.
Moving into our third year of the Take The Lead This Week and our fourth year of Take The Lead as a public leadership enterprise, we welcome your comments and suggestions. We invite you to share this newsletter with your friends and colleagues. Subscribe to Take The Lead This Week here.
About the Author
Michele Weldon is editorial director of Take The Lead, an award-winning author, journalist, emerita faculty in journalism at Northwestern University and a senior leader with The OpEd Project. @micheleweldon www.micheleweldon.com