Laurel Mintz is a General Partner in Fabric VC.
By Laurel Mintz
The most impactful moment was the moment I decided to start Fabric VC. I remember starting to research venture capital after the idea was planted in my head of potentially launching a fund. At that stage of my life I had been an LP and had been investing with impact, but I didn’t really know the numbers. I was shocked when I first came across the 2%. If you don’t know. 2% and really less than 2% is the percentage of venture capital dollars that are allocated to diverse-led businesses globally. This was a shocking number to me, and ultimately was the reason that I launched Fabric VC. I thought, ”If not me, who…if not now, when?”
I’m a big picture thinker so my spearhead moments are usually when I’m on stages speaking to an audience or a community. I feel so lucky to have these opportunities especially now that I’m focused on educating and empowering people to have a seat at the venture table. I always start with my own personal journey because I feel strongly that you can’t just preach at folks.
It’s always a better approach to share a relatable and ultimately human story especially when you’re talking about something uncomfortable like money. Then it’s really about baby steps. What are the small actions that lead to impactful change. Again for what we’re doing at Fabric we believe it starts with education and moves outward from there. works, and pursue their dreams relentlessly.
Laurel Mintz is a General Partner in Fabric VC.;