The Power To Literally Take the Leap

Sara Curtis is a skydiving trainer of civilians and military as well as stunt women and parachute equipment manufacturer based in Arizona.

By Sara Curtis

I'm a professional skydiver. You may not have known that was a thing. I have a passion for inspiring women and girls to live bold lives of their own design whether it's skydiving or another big dream.  Right now, I'm tackling one of my biggest challenges yet.

Project 19 was originally a concept created with the Women’s Skydiving Network (WSN) to build a 100-way Women’s “Vertical” (head-to-Earth) World Record Skydive in 2020 to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of a women’s right to vote in the United States. The COVID-19 pandemic put this mission on hold, but as one of the organizers, I am ready to get this thing off the ground – literally.

A woman’s right to own property, have equal representation and even control one’s body is constantly challenged in many parts of the world and has recently come even further under the microscope. As such, Project 19 has become a celebration of women’s rights and issues worldwide, not just here in America.

It’s important not to understate the challenge our record presents. Only 14% of skydivers are female, according to the United States Parachute Association (USPA). And finding 100 qualified women was difficult. COVID’s economic hardship caused many women to drop or simply de-prioritize the intense and expensive sport of skydiving. This could partially be due to jump tickets increasing by 40%, creating a price barrier for some to skydive, and partially due to many people, in general, having less discretionary income for their passions. 

Through these challenges, we’ve remained positive. Our elders fought for our freedoms and the very ability to come together as women from a multitude of backgrounds. Our record attempts, taking place Nov. 21-26 at Skydive Arizona, will honor all who came before and are dedicated to the future of those who come next.

“Our elders fought for our freedoms and the very ability to come together as women. Nov. 21-26 at Skydive Arizona, we will honor all who came before and are dedicated to the future of those who come next.”—Sara Curtis @womensskydiving #PowerToChangeStories

Sara Curtis is a skydiving trainer of civilians and military as well as stunt women and parachute equipment manufacturer. Also currently sitting on the Eloy City Council.; ;

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