The Power To Know It’s Time for a Hispanic or Latinx Travel Host Now
By Jeannette Ceja
Jeannette Ceja is a travel host, TV host and global public speakers.
I vividly remember moments from my childhood spent sitting in front of the television after school, learning and absorbing everything I possibly could. Who else remembers doing this?
If talk shows like “The Oprah Winfrey Show” or ”El Show de Cristina” (in Spanish) were not on, I would quickly change the channel to educational programs on The History Channel or The Travel Channel. But one thing I frequently did not see— any women or Latina/o/x on-air hosts. I did not understand why.
I would ask myself: “How come the hosts who were showing me a diverse world of destinations, cultures, and languages, were not diverse themselves?” The absence of representation on television and in travel media left a lifelong impact. It’s why I pursued a degree in broadcast journalism. I wanted to make a change that I did not see in the states.
I’m now in my mid-30s, and I am happy to see a huge diversity movement happening in travel media and the tourism industry. I can see how there are more programs and travel publications that have become more inclusive towards every race, ethnicity, gender, LGBQT, and people with disabilities.
Yet, there’s still a long way to go.
According to the 2020 U.S. Census Bureau data, the population of Hispanics and Latinos has grown to an estimated 62.1 million. Currently, we are in Hispanic Heritage Month, an incredible time to further celebrate the many contributions of Latina/o/x and Hispanics in every industry, including in travel.
The question is not if there will be more Latino/a/x or Hispanic travel hosts. It’s more a question of when?
In 2021, it’s way past time for Latina/o/x and Hispanic travel hosts to show us the world. Are you ready?
““I can see how there are more programs and travel publications that have become more inclusive towards every race, ethnicity, gender, LGBQT, and people with disabilities. Yet, there’s still a long way to go. In 2021, it’s way past time for Latina/o/x and Hispanic travel hosts to show us the world.” —@JeannetteCeja #PowerToChangeStories” ”
Jeannette Ceja is a travel journalist, TV host, and global public speaker based in California. ; Jet Set with Jeannette; Facebook ; ;; Home | Jet Set Jeannette (