The Power of Exercise As Medicine
By Janine Galati-Naccarato
Janine Galati-Naccarato is the owner, founder, teacher of Body IQ.
Throughout my entire life I have been an exerciser of one sort or another. I am a natural mover. My spirit literally comes to life when I am engaged in purposeful physical activity.
Exercise makes it possible for me to move my brain into stillness so that I am able to read, write and have access to my creativity. It’s an ongoing dialogue between brain and body that helps move me towards wholeness.
Over my lifetime, I have learned to identify this dialogue or process as Body IQ. The ability to use movement to harness the power of thought. Or, our human capacity to harness the power of our nervous system to produce powerful, intentional results while achieving true connectivity.
I wondered... was I alone in this? Or was this just my individual quirk related to a diagnosis I received at age 28; high functioning autism.
Thirty plus years later, I have made the study of Body IQ the priority of my life's work in one way or another by using movement specificity and patterned exercise, as well as, visualization to create whole body movement. In my exploration, Body IQ has become my trademark and Body IQ Girl my identifier.
My goals are to help people connect to wholeness, as well as, their intrinsic need for exercise/movement (their why). In doing so, you can discover your innate intelligence while creating and maintaining healthy brain function.
After a movement session with a client, they report being more three dimensional and having a greater sense of connection to everything. And while they benefit from my one on one observations, (they call it MSP — Muscle Sensory Perception) and coaching, anyone can learn this truth. As a writer, I would like to capture these moments on paper and share these lessons for all to explore.
““I have learned to identify this dialogue or process as Body IQ, the ability to use movement to harness the power of thought and the power of our nervous system to produce powerful, intentional results while achieving true connectivity.”—@BodyIQGirl #PowerToChangeStories ”
Janine Galati-Naccarato, LMT, is the Owner/Founder/Teacher & Student of Life; ; @BodyIQGirl