The Power of Designer Nepotism

By Takara Beathea Gudell

Takara Beatheagudell is head designer of Takara Designs.

Takara Beatheagudell is head designer of Takara Designs.

As a designer/artist who didn’t attend a prestigious art school, connections were lost. I’ve been researching the design and art world for most of my career. 

I’ve noticed the overlapping and linking of celebrated artists and designers. Not that they didn’t deserve the glory. 

It appears the schools didn’t look further than their own students. I once had a fabric distributor tell me, “Takara, if you weren’t Black, you would’ve been picked up years ago. You run circles around some of these designers. Please know it’s their connections and nepotism, not talent. You guys are literally using the same fabrics, I know, because I’m the supplier."

I sat in my car and wondered, “How in the world will I be seen or noticed with so much celebration of the seen and not of the unseen?” I stand on the notion, it’s not what you know, it’s whom you know. 

I’ve watched careers explode with a simple output of design. I still shake my head at some of it. But, I know I have a fan base that loves me and sees the value in my designs. There have been times you’ve paid our rent and heck, our salaries. And for this, we are in total appreciation. There’s a bit of “ism” in every career created and most handshakes that promise, “I’ll be in touch” and haven’t.  

I keep going because the truth is I believe in myself and sometimes that’s all it takes to be seen. I wholeheartedly love designing. It’s a natural gift. 

“I keep going because the truth is I believe in myself and sometimes that’s all it takes to be seen”—Takara Beatheagudell, head designer of Takara Designs. #PowerToChangeStories

Thanks to my faithful followers that have supported TAKARA Designs for decades. As I enter my new season, thanks for your honest opinions that has allowed growth. I’m banking on being better than ever. Just watch! 

Takara Beathea Gudell is head designer of Takara Designs. She writes, “Considering the difficulties of breaking through the establishment, I’ve had a lovely career that continues to expand and bloom. Always looking for collaborative opportunities.” Find her on Facebook, Instagram, and See more from Takara on Youtube.

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