I Choose To Be The Beauty of My Inheritance
By Sweta Chawla
Sweta Chawla is a life/leadership coach, story weaver and speaker.
A few years ago through many coincidences which I call Goddess Winks, I was led to incorporate the clothing of my lineage as part of my professional representation. I joined organizations where I was one of a few Women of Color.
By owning the beauty wanting to express through me, I no longer felt like I stood out, but more like I was standing up. I felt connected to my deeper roots which gave me the courage to transcend my role as teacher, facilitator and coach to guiding other reluctant leaders into their own unique natural leadership.
Sweta Chawla is a Life/Leadership Coach, Story-Weaver and Speaker. https://m.facebook.com/drswetachawla/?ref=bookmarks; https://www.instagram.com/drswetachawla/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/drsweta-chawla-7534a51/; www.drswetacoach.com
““By owning the beauty wanting to express through me, I no longer felt like I stood out but more like I was standing up.”—Sweta Chawla, life/leadership coach, story weaver, speaker. #PowerToChangeStories”