022 A Woman’s Place Is at the Boardroom Table
“Remember the ladies....
If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation.”
Episode Summary:
In this episode, Gloria broaches a topic that has recently been making waves in both politics and business: women in the boardroom. Gloria speaks to the work that Stephanie Sonnabend and Malli Gero have done launching a national campaign aimed at increasing the percentage of women on company boards to twenty percent or greater by 2020. They succeeded in that goal but the work doesn’t stop there!
Gloria addresses the benefits that companies experience when they elevate women to their boards as well as legislation that is currently being lobbied to require organizations to promote more women to these leadership seats. Finally, Gloria provides key takeaways that listeners, as well as executives, can employ to support more women on boards across the world.
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Listen as Alexander Lowry interviews Gloria on his podcast “Boardroom Bound”
Blog Post: A Woman’s Place Is at the Table, by Gloria Feldt and Kathleen Duffy
NPR: California Becomes 1st State to Require Women on Corporate Boards
Business Wire: 2020 Women on Boards’ 2019 Gender Diversity Index Shows Women Make Historic Progress Toward Gender Balance on Corporate Boards
Catalyst: The Benefits of Gender-Balanced Boards
Catalyst: 8 Actions to Diversify Your Board
Harvard: Why Diversity Matters: Women on Boards of Directors
Center for American Progress: Breadwinning Mothers Continue to Be the US Norm
Organizations that help women secure corporate board seats:
Books Mentioned
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No Excuses: 9 Ways Women Can Change How We Think About Power, by Gloria Feldt
Social Links
Gloria’s Website & Social Media
Take The Lead’s Website and Social Media
“Oh we have, of course, come a very long way since Abigail Adams’ day. But, we still have a long way to go – in equal pay and other gender parity indicators in electing women to public office as well, and in recruiting women to leadership positions in companies and on their Board of Directors.”
“There’s plenty of research about the benefits of gender-balanced boards, from improving boardroom dynamics and reducing governance-related controversies, to lowering volatility and achieving better financial performance.”
“A resume for a board position isn’t a job resume. But it’s a document that demonstrates your relevant expertise with board work. Are you a big picture thinker, a fiduciary expert, or someone who has dealt with governance issues? Have you travelled or worked globally?”
“Broaden your network; don’t just recycle your friends.”