009 Do What You Love: Entrepreneurs Share Their Success Stories
“I think one of the most amazing ways to develop your leadership is by joining ecosystems of women that you want to be like and that inspire you.”
Episode Summary:
This episode is for entrepreneurs and any leader who wants to learn to think big! President & Co-Founder of Take The Lead Gloria Feldt is joined by serial entrepreneur, investor and tech globalization veteran, Nathalie Molina Niño, as well as Nina Vaca, Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Pinnacle Group. They take you on a deep dive into what steps you can take to be successful while doing what you love.
The included interview first aired live on YouTube during Take The Lead’s Virtual Happy Hour in August 2018. Watch the video here.
This episode is brought to you by Alex Soldier, whimsical artisan jewelry handcrafted with love in NYC from responsibly sourced materials.
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The Movement Blog Article: Are You Really an Entrepreneur?
Video: Nina Vaca’s speech on Courageous Conversations at the Aspen Institute Latinos & Society
Forbes article on Nathalie Molina Nino: Nathalie Molina Niño Forges A New Future For Women Entrepreneurs
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Nathalie’s Book: Leapfrog: The New Revolution for Women Entrepreneurs
Social Links
Gloria Feldt’s Website & Social Media
Take The Lead’s Website and Social Media
Nathalie Molina Niño’s Webiste & Social Media
Nina Vaca’s Website & Social Media
“It’s taken us twenty-two years to become an overnight sensation.”
“A lot of the time people wanna know what the secret is to this success or that success. And, it’s like, there’s no secret. I’m working when you’re sleeping.”
“I’m looking at businesses that can prove to me that they are creating economic prosperity, not just for a hundred women or even a thousand women, but hundreds of thousands, millions, and, if possible, billions of women.”
“When you are trying to start a company you have to paint a vision that is much larger than yourself.”
“I think one of the most amazing ways to develop your leadership is by joining ecosystems of women that you want to be like and that inspire you. The right women are very apt to share their stories, share their leadership.”
“As an investor, what I’m looking for is an extraordinary team that can answer the question of why are you the most suited, most appropriate person to take this particular business into the market.”