Tell Us: What’s Your Power Number?


In her last blog post, Gloria described an exercise that’s become a staple of her in-person Power Tools workshops: she asks participants, “On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your relationship with power?” One means “I don’t like or feel comfortable about power at all” and ten is “I love having and using power.”

Now, we want to hear from you: what’s your personal power number from one to ten, and why? Let us know in the comments!

At Take The Lead, our mission is to propel women to leadership parity by 2025, and we’re doing it by changing women’s relationships with power. This is the first time we’re asking our online community to answer the power number question, but it’s not the last—we’ll ask again in a few months and see if anyone’s feelings have shifted.

And if you’re interested in the fastest way to increase your power number and prepare you to lead authentically, that would be Gloria’s signature 9 Leadership Power Tools to Advance Your Career online certificate course. The next session starts July 26th, and early-bird rates are still available.

About the Author

TAKE THE LEAD prepares, develops, inspires and propels women to take their fair and equal share of leadership positions across all sectors by 2025. It’s today’s women’s movement — a unique catalyst for women to embrace power and reach leadership parity.

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