Leadership Ambassadors Take Action For Parity Nationwide on Take The Lead Day
We all get by with help from our friends. And our colleagues, mentors and leaders.
To demonstrate that, Take The Lead Day is moving the dial forward for women in leadership parity with engagement and action from more than 30 Take The Lead Leadership Ambassadors in 14 cities across the country.
Leadership Ambassadors from Washington, D.C., Boston, Philadelphia and New York to Springfield, Mo., Milwaukee, Mankato, Minn. and Salt Lake City, Santa Fe, and seven cities across California, have completed the rigorous teacher training in The 9 Leadership Power Tools created by Gloria Feldt, Take The Lead co-founder and president. And they are giving back with a robust roster of 10 in-person workshops, webinars, panels, events and participation in the New York Powertopia Symposium and evening celebration.
“#TakeTheLeadDay is moving the dial forward for women in leadership parity”
In Phoenix, Galvanize is a partner and sponsor of Take The Lead Day offering a full day of workshops led by Take The Lead Leadership Ambassadors.
The day of workshops begins with Laurie Battaglia, CEO and Workplace Strategist for Aligned at Work, offering, “Power Up! 9 Leadership Power Tools to Advance Your Career and Life.” According to Battaglia, “During this workshop, we’ll break down the paradigm of power and change it, from Power Over to Power To. The ways you use power can make or break your career. We’ll start with how we got where we are today, and then take you through the 9 practical tools that you can embrace to create power your way.”
Later in the morning, Mary Collum, Founder and President of Vantage Strategic Consulting, and a Leadership Ambassador, will lead the workshop, “The Role & Responsibility of Leadership in a Diverse Workplace,” an interactive discussion of a multi-generational workplace and challenges leaders face at each level.
“This is an opportunity to share the vision of leadership and pay parity for women by 2025,” says Collum. “If we create the awareness it will lead to action. I believe in the vision of leadership and pay parity for women by 2025 and I have the tools to share the ‘why’ with others.”
Later in the afternoon, Leadership Ambassador Dr. Mallary Tytel, CEO and Founder, Healthy Workplaces, presents the workshop, ”Gender Economics: The Intersection of Money and Gender.”
According to Tytel, “Take The Lead Day provides an opportunity for focusing across the country on the importance and potential of women claiming and taking charge of their own power.” She adds, “Personally and professionally, this is about Every Woman: to recognize her own skills; build her own capacity; and crack the code of leadership and equity for all.”
Take The Lead co-founder Feldt agrees. “I know that achieving leadership equality for women by 2025 is a big, bold goal. I also know it is absolutely within reach because of our shared passion for this mission. I am confident that we will see women take their fair and equal share of leadership roles in all sectors,” Feldt says.
Another Phoenix Leadership Ambassador, Lisa Mead, President of Crowne Healthcare Advisors and Founder of Arizona Women in Healthcare, offers a webinar at noon, “Women in Healthcare Take the Lead.”
According to Mead, “Women in Healthcare have particular challenges in taking on senior leadership roles, inhabiting those roles joyfully and leveraging their power in a positive and authentic way.”
Mead adds, “Take The Lead Day is a time for focused communication about women and with women on power, leadership and the journey to leadership parity. This is important to me and the women in healthcare colleagues because we still have a long way to go even though healthcare is predominately women and we represent 35 percent of the C-Suite. Considering that we are over 70 percent of the entry level positions, we should not lose ground as we advance our careers. This a day to Promote, Recognize, Inspire, Develop and Empower women in my community.”
In San Francisco, at Galvanize, Leadership Ambassador Shalini Sardana, an expert on design thinking, offers, “Changing the Narrative for Women in Tech” workshop at 6 p.m. followed by networking.
Sardana says, “Silicon Valley’s bro culture is struggling to deliver on its promise of a better work future for women in tech. Take The Lead equips women to transform the narrative by embracing their personal power and turning challenges into opportunities. Get a glimpse of the possibilities available through Take The Lead training, role modeling, mentoring and thought leadership and some powerful networking at this workshop.
In Los Angeles, Leadership Ambassadors, Tabby Biddle, author, coach and speaker, along with Elisa Parker, Co-Founder President and Host of “See Jane Do,” are offering the webinar, “How 50 Women in Media and Entertainment Can Change the World.”
In Sacramento, Take The Lead Leadership Ambassador Jenn Manuel, Founder and CEO of Via Consulting Group, presents, “Powertopia!” what she describes as “a #powHERful conversation about power, gender and bias.” Manuel says, “But talking isn’t enough. We need action. Come away from this workshop with new tools you can use immediately to shift to a more collaborative notion of power.”
According to Feldt, “Confidence building, skills building, leadership training, along with the ability to network with women leaders, are identified as key elements to expanding women’s leadership.”
Take The Lead Day is the global opportunity to put all of this into practice.
“#TakeTheLeadDay is the global opportunity to leadership skills into practice”
“I’m part of Take The Lead Day because I work with so many women who are afraid to claim their expertise and put themselves out into the world,” says Leadership Ambassador Sara Nett, who is offering a webinar in Mankato, Minn., “The P Word,” at 1 p.m. CST.
“The world loses extraordinary talent and skill when women don’t define their value and put themselves out there,” says Nett, a community leadership development consultant, founder of Engage Consulting, LLC, who works with training early career and mid-career women in public service and public policy, nonprofits, including rural women, Native American women, entrepreneurs and LGBTQ+ communities.
“The P Word webinar will explore women’s relationship with power through an intersectional lens. Key takeaways include a deeper understanding of the bases of power, and strategies for using our power to define terms that promote inclusive leadership in our organizations and communities,” according to Nett.
At New York’s Powertopia Symposium, Take The Lead Leadership Ambassador Patricia Jerido, Principal Consultant at Leadership Matters Consulting, will moderate the panel and workshop, “Embrace Controversy: How to Reach Gender Parity in Tech (The New Equality Frontier).”
The panel includes Katica Roy, CEO, Pipeline Equity; Alok Kapur, Senior Global Leader, SAP and Sara O’Brien, tech reporter, CNN Money.
“Take the Lead Day for me means making a public statement on the value of gender parity to advance the world economically, politically, socially all towards justice. Every day, month, and year that we sit on the unused contributions of women, we are holding back our collective potential as a society” Jerido says.
“This is an important opportunity to plan within our networks how we can take advantage of the resources and tools we have in common to advance gender parity. Now more than ever we have momentum and opportunity to reframe power in a way that works for all of us,” Jerido says.
During the evening reception, Women, Power and The Art of Leadership Parity, in New York for Take The Lead Day, Leadership Ambassador Yesi Morillo-Gual, Operational Risk Manager at Citigroup and Founder of Proud To Be Latina, presents the first Leading Women Award to Nancy D. O’Reilly, psychologist, philanthropist, author, founder and president of Women Connect4Good, Inc.
Also in New York, at Galvanize, in addition to the Powertopia Symposium, Take The Lead Ambassador Regina Huber, CEO and Founder at Transform Your Performance, Offers, “Building Your Digital Brand for Entrepreneurs.” Huber adds, “It starts with getting your story straight,” Huber says.
Throughout the year, Take The Lead Leadership Ambassadors serve as keynote speakers, facilitators of workshops, courses, keynotes, webinars, events or after-hour gatherings throughout the country.
“#LeadershipAmbassadors serve as facilitators of educational gatherings around the country”
“We will reach parity because we must. The world is screaming for more women in leadership,” Feldt says. “When more women are at the leadership table, we will live in a better place for all women, men, families, and the economy.”
Learn more about how you can work toward gender parity and fairness in leadership at Take The Lead Day November 14, a global day of action for leadership parity. Register for an event or host your own. Sign up and register here.
About the Author
Michele Weldon is editorial director of Take The Lead, an award-winning author, journalist, emerita faculty in journalism at Northwestern University and a senior leader with The OpEd Project. @micheleweldon www.micheleweldon.com