This year’s theme β€œTogether We Lead” taps into the deep yearning you’ve expressed for a vibrant community of women learning and working together:

🌟 To build your career, your business, your wealth, with joy not burnout

🌟 To engage men in the work for gender equality

🌟 To get the public policies that impact your life



2024 Leading Woman Award Recipient

Be in the room with the OG Wonder Woman herself,

Lynda Carter

Wonder Woman Logo
Who hasn't been inspired by Lynda Carter/Wonder Woman?


Because leaders fearlessly make the first move, we’re calling early bird purchasers β€œFirst Movers”

Be a First Mover.

Register today! Just $297 through June 26th.

Thats a savings of $200 over the full price of $497

Virtual event First Movers $49, half the full price of $99


Together We Lead - Power Up Concert & Conference


The conference kicks off
with a celebratory concert.

Unleash your inner rockstar.

Sing along to performances by award-winning artists.


Following a night of celebration, joy and connection, learn from industry experts.

Lead your dreams.

Industry icons will teach you how to own your power, rewrite the rules and live your story.


Limited in-person registrations available. We hope you can join in person, but if you are unable, there is a virtual option.

Register today to ensure you’re in the room where it’s happening for women in 2024!



Women’s Equality Day is THE best day to host The Power Up Concert & Conference!

It's a reminder of how far we’ve come and the work still to be done. 

Celebratory women at a table raising their hands in the air at the Power Up Concert and Conference 2023.

Gain tools & tactics for immediate impact.

Learn from powerful experts that are owning their story, forging their future with intention and claiming their rightful seats at
tables across the globe.


Find your community of
powerful women

You can make a difference, but together we are a force of nature and we are WAY more powerful. Together we can change the world & boy, does it need us to change it!


Ditch the FOMO and
be in the room.

Feel the buzz of energy and embrace the sense of belonging be in the room sitting across from powerful women across all
life experiences and intersectionalities.


We’re better, stronger and reaching our
goals faster as a collective voice.

Together we lead the progress toward women’s fair & equal share of leadership positions across all sectors.

Press play to view the recap of The Power Up Concert & Conference from 2023



AUGUST 25 - 6:30PM EST

The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
Terrace Theater*
2700 F St., NW, Washington, D.C. 2056


AUGUST 26 - 8:30AM - 4:30PM EST

The National Housing Center

1201 15th Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20005



Speakers at the Power Up Concert and Conference

Done waiting for your turn?

Tired of being the overqualified underdog?

Worried about setbacks to women’s rights and ready to be the change you wish to see in the world?

The PowerUp Concert & Conference Table of Women

The time to embrace your #powerTO, is NOW!

Together we lead! Be in a room overflowing with phenomenal women, ready to ignite their dreams, fuel their passions, and redefine leadership.