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Virtual Happy Hour: Carpe The Chaos!

They’re baaaaack!

Take The Lead's Virtual Happy Hours that is! They’ll be a free resource while we're social distancing and adjusting to life in the time of coronavirus. We’ll host informal, interactive conversations weekly on timely topics you tell us are most valuable to you. Sometimes with experts, and sometimes just us having a chat.

Who would have thought we would be in the midst of a pandemic now? But in truth, there is always something that disrupts and challenges us, usually when we least expect it.

That’s why this week's Virtual Happy Hour topic is one of my favorite Leadership Power Tools, Carpe the Chaos. You won't want to miss it! I invite you to send your questions in advance here so we can address your most burning concerns.

I’ll share specific techniques that have helped me capture the energy of chaos, disruption, and even crisis and use them productively. They include:

- Know your own valuable spots in chaotic situations

- See the potential for new solutions

- Be a change leader instead of being buffeted by change

But mostly, the informal nature of the live Virtual Happy Hour will leave space for us to talk about what's on your mind.

Don’t worry if you can’t attend live -- we will send the link to everyone who registered.

I hope to see you April 9 for our new Virtual Happy Hour. Register here.

Stay safe, healthy, and powerfully optimistic,

Gloria Feldt

Cofounder and President, Take The Lead